Darkness arrival – A short story Chapter I

The first time it happened, no one gave it credit. Lights went off in major cities around the world. It lasted for about four hours. It started at midnight.

I was at Jane’s birthday party. She had prepared a huge buffet on her house in the countryside. The whole setup was amazing, there were tons of lights on the house’s walls and the garden. She even hired a DJ and everybody was dancing to the beats.

I remember I was laughing really hard at John’s dance moves, he was always the party’s soul, the sense of ridiculouness had abandoned him a long time ago!

All of the sudden I just stopped laughing, I felt a weird sensation on my legs, as if the ground was shaking slowly. I looked around and no one seemed to notice, so I thought that maybe the alcohol had kicked in and a nervous smile drew on my face.

“I’m really glad you came tonight” — said Jane while walking towards me — “after the other night, I wasn’t sure if you felt good about this… but you know I care about you and it would not have been the same without you …”
“It’s ok, you know I wouldn’t miss your birthday, we are still friends and I’m happy to be here …” —- I try to smile as if nothing really happened — “… listen, Jane, about the other night —”

Suddenly, a loud and violent noise cut through the music, every light bulb in the garden and the house exploded and everything just went off.

Everyone stood still, staring at each other in complete darkness.

They started talking, confused. Cellphones were not working, neither anything else.

“There is a lantern on the kitchen!” said Jane with a trembling voice.

“I’ll get it!” said Paul.

After two minutes probing in the dark, Paul found the lantern.

“The fucking lantern isn’t working either!” he shouted.

A loud growling sound broke through the silence and everyone started panicking.

“Get inside the house!” Jane shouted.

Next chapter will be out soon!

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