Darkness arrival – A short story Chapter II

Everyone rushed inside the house. We still heard the growling noise getting stronger as if it was getting closer.

Jane had a rifle in her room upstairs, inside a closet. when she was young, her father used to take her hunting birds and rabbits on the open field. However, that was a very long time ago and she never used it again, but we both looked at each other and knew that if something happened, it was our best shot.

“It’s probably a scared dog or something, ” said James, while getting closer to the windows to look outside, “electricity will come back soon, nothing to worry about …” — he claimed, but his voice didn’t sound convinced of what he was saying. —

“Something weird is happening, it’s not normal that even our cellphones and the lantern aren’t working, it has nothing to do with electricity …” said someone else.

“Ok, I think we are all getting a bit paranoid, it has just been 15 minutes or so, let’s not panick.”

“What if we stay like this for hours? I’m not gonna stay here that long… We should go to the nearest house to see if they have electricity, maybe the problem is only on this house.” said John.

“Alright, let’s do that, I think some of us should stay in the house in case the lights come back.” said Jane.

I wasn’t sure it was a good idea, the next house was over a mile away, but John was right, it could be hours and the cars were probably not working either, just as everything else we tried.

So John, James and I decided to go. Jane gave me the rifle before we opened the door.

By the time we left the house, an hour had gone by and the growling noises disappeared.

Next chapter will be out soon!

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