The Night Walk – A Short Story

Thursday night. It’s raining outside and I can’t sleep, I cannot stop thinking about it. It’s been a year since, but it still feels fresh in my mind.

What was that noise? Where did all the blood come from?

Suddenly, I am feeling it again, same noise, it’s like a whisper, but I can hear it clearly. Lights go out and I stand up quickly. I look around and see nothing, but I start to feel the presence of something standing by the door.

It’s so dark I cannot distinguish what it is. I try to speak, but words don’t come out of my mouth, I’m paralyzed.

The presence is getting closer and I am feeling a strong pressure on my chest, I have trouble breathing.

The last thing I remember is feeling dizzy and closing my eyes…

When I open my eyes again, I’m laying on the floor, it’s next day’s morning. I still feel dizzy, I look at my hands and they are swollen. There is dirt on the room’s floor. I walk to the bathroom and what I see shocks me… The floor is covered in blood and when I raise my eyes to the tub, there is a bloody hand hanging from it.

Suddenly it hits me, I see the liquour store, the crashed car, me walking into the forest and… Her…

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