HDR Photography – The Other Side of Reality

A really long time ago, I discovered HDR photography surfing long hours deep on the web. I don’t quite remember if it was a forum, a website, but I remember that I found it amazing. I was completely blown away by the beauty of it, it felt like watching a photograph of a dream.

I put my mind into it and started learning. Not long after that, I did my first work on it and for different reasons I had to stop exploring photography.

Today I remembered those pictures and wanted to share them here, as I want to return to it sometime soon.

Without further ado, here they are:


I know they aren’t perfect, but the way this technique capture the highlights, the textures and the essence of things was and still is impressive for me.


I was also impressed with how water looks with this effect:

Hand with water



And finally, the way it captures a ray of light:


I hope I catch up with this photography technique soon so I can share more of it.

For those who don’t know how it works or just want to learn more, you can check the Stuck in Customs website, they did an amazing article explaining it much better than I would do and they have great examples of beautiful pictures using the HDR technique.

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Best regards,

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