Poker Hand Review (28/05/2017) – Should I Call This Triple Barrel?

Practice Makes Perfect

Hello guys! I’m here with another poker hand to review. Always remember that the most important skill to achieve perfection is practice, practice and more practice. Before we know it, it becomes second nature at the tables. For this exercise, I will analyze each street in terms of better and worse hands our opponent might be taking his/her line in the hand. Let’s jump in at today’s hand:


If you haven’t seen my post on how to calculate preflop equity quickly, check it out here.

Action Preflop Equity Estimation Real Equity
My equity estimation is: Q(12)x2 +7(7) + 20 = 51% – calling range of 30% (10) = 41% 40.9%

The Flop

Action Better Hands Worse Hands
middle pairs and better, except flushes, as I believe my opponent might bet more Gutshots and better, some weak pairs

The Turn

Action Better Hands Worse Hands
middle and top pairs, better hands would bet more (I think) OESDs and FDs

The River

Action Better Hands Worse Hands
Flush Top and middle pairs


He showed up with As8h which was on his final range of 71 combos out of the 313 combos preflop:


Although the betting size of my opponent was rather small (min check-raise, half pot through all streets…) I could have gave credit to weak flush on the flop and turn and give up, but I had great odds for calling, so I decided to just call down to showdown, which luckily worked out fine for me. I always believe my opponent doesn’t have a strong holding if he is betting that small, but I couldn’t take a more aggresive line, would you have raised the river?

If you have any thoughts on this hand, leave a comment, I would love to read it!

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